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Mt. Hebron Presbyterian Church is a member church of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and is part of

The Presbytery of Baltimore and the Synod of the Mid-Atlantic.

Church Government


The Church is ruled by a board known as the Session comprised of six elected church members ordained as Elders and the Pastor who chairs and moderates the Session. Members are elected for terms of three years with two active Elders being chosen each year. The Session is served by a number of Teams designated to oversee particular areas of the life of the Church.


All members of this Church in good standing have the right to vote and to be elected as officers of this Church.

Ministry Teams

All members of MHPC are invited to participate by serving on one of the Ministry Teams.

Christian Education


 Concerned with education and youth

Concerned with worship life of the church


Concerned with our ministry in the community and throughout the world

Membership & TLC

Concerned with growing our congregation and promoting fellowship among current members

Buildings & Grounds

Concerned with taking care of our facilities and property


Concerned with all aspects of communication, both within our church and to our community


Concerned with guiding the budget and stewardship of the church


Concerned with taking care of the wonderful staff of the church and its ministries

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